Refund Policy
Last Updated: July 16, 2024 at 09:00 AM
This Refund Policy describes our general policies regarding handling refunds in general and does not serve as a legal base, nor is it approved by professionals. It lays down the foundations for any decision made upon requests. Any point listed here might be a reason for permitted initiations of any refund.
Listed below are possible reasons that might permit a full or prorated refund initiation.
- Any unauthorized transaction was not undertaken on your behalf but financially affected you.
- Every situation in which you are not successfully receiving or unable to access promised premium perks.
All of the reasons above require viable proof to be accepted as possible inquiries for initiating a refund.
We ("Miona", "Miona Bot", "us", "our") have a strict policy on refunds and will deny you for any refund request for one of the following reasons listed.
- Any instance where you neglected to cancel your ongoing subscription, either actively or passively.
- Any non-credible reason without sound justification.
- Evading a ban or blacklist by using alternative accounts or having others make payments on your behalf without disclosure.
- Violating any rules in our Community/Support Discord Server after making a payment.
- Displaying disrespect towards Miona, its developers, moderators, or any support team members.
- Being a blacklisted user across all our services.
- Requesting a refund with malicious intent.
- Forging or concealing details.
Please note that we cannot accept inquiries in the situations listed above due to financial reasons.
To successfully reach an agreement, please remember to behave patiently and pleasantly.
Performing a chargeback on behalf of the payment processor your transaction was handled through will not work out in your favor! In most situations, we can fight such cases to maintain our rights. Without prior contact with the team behind Miona, you might end up being excluded from the usage of our services indefinitely.
When staying friendly and courteous, you might end up being served with a refund regardless of the non-application of the stated above points.
We can update these terms at any time without notice. Continuing to use our services after any changes will mean that you agree with these terms and violation of our terms of service could result in a permanent ban across all of our services.
If you believe your situation is viable for a refund you may wish to contact us via our email address [email protected]