You've just added Miona to your server and you don't know where to start? You've come to the right place!
reasonSet your status as AFK.
urlpageConvert a link to video.
message_urlDownload a voice message.
Submit a confession. (Your privacy is withheld)
/welcome setmessage
Edit the welcome message.
/welcome setchannel
channelSet the welcome channel.
/welcome removechannel
Stops sending welcome messages in a channel.
/welcome test
Send a test welcome message.
/reactionroles add
message_urlreactionroleAdd reaction role to a message.
/reactionroles remove
message_urlreactionRemove reaction role from a message.
/reactionroles list
List all reaction roles.
/ticket add
memberAdd a member to a ticket.
/ticket remove
memberRemove a member from a ticket.
/ticket close
reasonClose a ticket.
/ticket claim
Claim a ticket as support. (Only for staff members)
/ticket rename
nameRename a ticket channel. (Only for staff members)
/confession reply
confession_idReply to a user's confession.
/confession report
confession_idreasonReport a user's confession.
/autopfp start
delaychannelAutomatically sends an image in the channel.
/autopfp stop
channelRemove AutoPFP feature from a channel.
/autopfp list
List all active autopfp channels.
/counters add
typechannelCreate a new counter.
/counters remove
counteractionRemove a counter.
/counters list
List all counters.
/confessions channel
channelSet the channel where confessions will be sent.
/confessions ban
confession_idBan user from confessing based on confession.
/confessions unban
confession_idUnban user from confessing based on confession.
/confessions logs
channelSet the channel where confessions reports will be sent.
commandList all of the available commands for the bot.
/leave setmessage
Edit the leave message.
/leave setchannel
channelSet the leave channel.
/leave removechannel
Stops sending leave messages in a channel.
/leave test
Send a test leave message.
userView your invites.
usertimereasonBan someone from the server.
/massrole add
mentionroleAdd a role to a single member or all members in a role.
/massrole remove
mentionroleRemove a role from a single member or all members in a role.
/massrole stop
Stop a running mass-role action.
/massrole status
See the status of a mass-role action.
/tickets create-panel
nametypeCreate a custom ticket panel.
/tickets edit-panel
nameEdit an existing ticket panel.
/tickets send-panel
namechannelSend an existing ticket panel.
/tickets edit-welcome-message
panelEdit the welcome message of the ticket.
/tickets delete-panel
nameDelete an existing ticket panel.
/tickets categories add
panelcategory_channelAdd a ticket category to a panel
/tickets categories remove
panelcategoryRemove a ticket category from a panel
/tickets categories edit
panelcategoryEdit a ticket category.
/tickets categories list
panelList all ticket categories
/tickets questions add
panelAdd a question to a panel.
/tickets questions edit
panelquestionEdit a question.
/tickets questions remove
panelquestionRemove a question from a panel.
/tickets questions list
panelList all questions.
/tickets access-roles add
panelroleAdd a role that can see tickets.
/tickets access-roles remove
panelroleRemove a role from accessing tickets.
/tickets access-roles list
panelList all ticket access roles.
/tickets ping-roles add
panelroleAdd a ping role to a panel.
/tickets ping-roles remove
panelroleRemove a ping role from a panel.
/tickets ping-roles list
panelList all ping roles.
/tickets format
panelformatChange ticket channel name format for a panel.
/tickets settings
Manage server global tickets settings.
/tickets logs
channelChange ticket logs channel.
/tickets list-panels
Get a list of all ticket panels.
/tickets variables
Variables for ticket panels and ticket welcome message.
indexSnipe the last deleted message.
Give roles to users that have your vanity in their statuses.
/voicemaster setup
categoryvoicecontrollogsroomformatSetup the VoiceMaster in your server.
/voicemaster settings
Configure the VoiceMaster in your server.
/voicemaster interface send
channelSend the VoiceMaster interface.
/voicemaster interface edit
Edit the VoiceMaster interface.
/voicemaster interface reset
Reset the configuration for VoiceMaster interface in your server.
/voicemaster reset
Reset the configuration for VoiceMaster in this server.
/voicemaster variables
Shows the variables for voice room format.
/automatch start
delaychannelAutomatically sends matching images in the channel.
/automatch stop
channelRemove AutoMatch feature from a channel.
/automatch list
List all active AutoMatch channels.
Purchase premium.
/giveaway start
Start a giveaway.
/giveaway end
giveaway_idEnd a giveaway.
/giveaway delete
giveaway_idDelete a giveaway.
/giveaway reroll
giveaway_idcountReroll a new winner/s for a giveaway.
/giveaway list
List all active giveaways.
/giveaway settings
Change giveaway settings.
/boost setmessage
Edit the boost message.
/boost setchannel
channelWhere to send the boost messages.
/boost removechannel
Stops sending boost messages in a channel.
/boost test
Send a test boost message.
userreasonUnban a member.
/autorole add
roleAdds role to the auto-role list.
/autorole remove
roleRemoves role from the auto-role list.
/autorole list
View all roles from auto-role list.
/automeme start
delaychannelAutomatically sends memes in the channel.
/automeme stop
channelRemove AutoMeme feature from a channel.
/automeme list
List all active automeme channels
userGet avatar of a person.
/joindm setmessage
Edit the join DM.
/joindm disable
Stops sending join DMs.
/joindm test
Send a test join DM.
userreasonKicks a user from the server and deletes a days worth of their messages.
channelSends message when a free game deal is available.
userGet banner of a person.
/poj start
channeldelayPings user on join.
/poj stop
channelStop pining on join.
/poj list
List all POJ channels.
userreasonKick a member from the server.
See how many pictures are in our pfp library.
typeGet two matcing profile pictures or banners.
usertimereasonPrevent user from sending messages.
userreasonUnmute a member.
typeSends an image with the desired type.
userreasonWarn a member.
userGet a list of warns for a member.
Get all boosters of the server.
limitfilterBulk delete messages from a channel.
/purge contains
substringamountPurge messages that contain a substring
/purge webhook
amountwebhookPurge messages from a webhook.
/purge user
useramountPurge messages from a user.
/purge stickers
amountPurge messages with stickers.
/purge bots
amountbotPurge messages from bots.
/purge humans
amountPurge messages from humans.
/purge embeds
amountPurge messages with embeds.
/purge attachments
amountPurge messages with attachments.
/purge images
amountPurge messages with images.
/purge emojis
amountemojiPurge messages with emojis.
/purge links
amountPurge messages with links.
/purge reactions
amountmessage_urlPurge reactions from a message or amount of messages
delaychannelChange the slowmode duration of a channel.
Vote for Miona and receive rewards!
timeLock down the current channel.
/emoji add
emojinameAdd an emoji to your server.
/emoji remove
emojiRemove an emoji from your server.
/emoji rename
emojinameRename an emoji.
/emoji enlarge
emojiEnlarge an emoji.
inviteGet information about an invite.
commandDisable a command.
userGet information about a user.
commandEnable a command.
Get the invite link of the bot.
tomessagefromTranslate message to a specified language.
totextfromTranslate text to a specified language.
questionAsk the magic 8 ball a question.
/server info
Get information about the server.
/server description
descriptionView or edit the server description.
/server set_name
nameSet the server name.
/server set_icon
iconurlSet the server icon.
/server set_banner
bannerurlSet the server banner.
/server set_splash
splashurlSet the server splash image.
/server set_verification_level
levelSet the server verification level.
userView your invite codes.
channelClone the a channel and delete it.
/autothread enable
channelEnable auto threads in a channel.
/autothread disable
channelDisable auto threads in a channel.
/autothread edit-message
channelEdit the auto thread message for a specific channel.
/autothread list
List all auto thread channels.
/autothread clear
Clear all auto thread channels.
/autothread variables
View variables that can be used in the auto thread messages.
channelClear all message snipes for a channel
channelRestrict a channel to images and files only.
/room ban
userBan user from voice room.
/room unban
userUnban user from voice room.
/room kick
userKick user from voice room.
/room mute
userMute user in voice room.
/room unmute
userUnmute user in voice room.
/room lock
Lock your voice room.
/room unlock
Unlock your voice room.
/room hide
Hide your voice room.
/room reveal
Reveal your voice room.
/room invite
userInvite user to voice room.
/room limit
numSet your voice room limit.
/room rename
nameRename your voice room.
/room owner
userTransfer ownership of your voice room.
usertimereasonJail someone.
userUnjail a user.
rolechannelSet up the jail system.
userKiss someone.
channelreasonHides a channel.
userHug someone.
channelReveals a channel.
user1user2Ship two users together.
userSlap someone.
userKill someone virtually.
userBite someone.
numRoll a dice.
/stickymessage add
messagechannelAdd a sticky message to a channel.
/stickymessage edit
channelEdit a sticky message.
/stickymessage delete
channelDelete a sticky message.
/stickymessage list
List all sticky messages.
/unbanall start
Unbans every member in a guild.
/unbanall cancel
Cancels a unban all task running.
/unbanall status
Shows the status of the unban all task.
/anti-alt toggle
Enable or disable anti-alt system.
/anti-alt threshold
timeSet anti-alt threshold.
/anti-alt punishment
punishmentSet the punishment for alt accounts.
/anti-alt logs
channelSet anti-alt logs channel.
actionDisables sending invites in channels.
Shows variables that can be used in Greeting features.
/invitetracker toggle
enabledToggle the invite tracker.
/invitetracker fake-treshold
tresholdMember accounts with lower age that this value will be flagged as fake invites.
/invitetracker reset-server-invites
Reset all invites for all of the users in the server.
/invitetracker add-bonus-invites
userinvitesAdd bonus invites to a user or role.
/invitetracker remove-bonus-invites
userinvitesRemove bonus invites from a user.
/invitetracker remove-fakes
userRemove fake invites from a user or role.
/invitetracker remove-leaves
userRemove leave invites from a user or role.
/invitetracker variables
Variables that can be used in the invite tracker messages.
/invitetracker logs
channelView or set invite logs channel.
/invitetracker edit-join-message
Edit the invite join logs message.
/invitetracker edit-leave-message
Edit the invite leave logs message.
userShow the punishments of a user
/embed create
nameCreate an embed message.
/embed edit
nameEdit an embed message.
/embed send
namechannelwebhookSend an embed message.
/embed delete
nameDelete an embed message.
/embed import
nameurlImport an message into miona embed.
idView informations about a punishment case.
roleCreates a muted role, or sets an existing role to use.
/mod-logs set
channeltypeSend specifc logs to a channel.
/mod-logs unset
typeUnset a log channel.
/mod-logs reset
Reset all log channels.
/mod-logs list
List all log channels.
Some commands may still require some permissions even if they are not listed here. Discord is not allowing to add permissions to subcommands.