Privacy Policy

Last Updated: August 13, 2024 at 10:00 PM

Welcome to the Miona Discord Bot Partners Program. This policy outlines the requirements and responsibilities of our partners to maintain a successful and mutually beneficial partnership. By participating in this program, you agree to the terms and conditions stated herein.


Only Discord servers that meet specific requirements, as defined by the Miona team, are eligible for partnership. These requirements are not publicly disclosed.


Partners are required to post an advertisement for Miona in a public area of their Discord server where it is visible to all members. The advertisement must remain posted and should not be removed under any circumstances. Partners must contact the Miona support team every 30 days to renew their partnership, which includes posting a new advertisement for Miona. Renewal requests can be made via email at [email protected] or through Discord support.

Partners must also ensure that their server adheres to Discord's Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. Any violations of these rules may result in the termination of the partnership and additional consequences as deemed necessary by the Miona team.


If a partner removes the advertisement, their partnership status will be revoked immediately, and the server may also be blacklisted from using Miona services. Additionally, if a partnered server violates Discord's Terms of Service, the server can be blacklisted from Miona services, and the partnership will be terminated. Failure to contact the support team for partnership renewal every 30 days will result in the automatic termination of the partnership.


Miona reserves the right to terminate any partnership at any time, without a specific reason or prior notice.


Miona is not responsible for any actions, content, or events that occur within partnered servers. All server owners and administrators are solely responsible for ensuring their server’s compliance with all relevant laws, regulations, and Discord’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.


If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact us at [email protected].