vanity roles bot released

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Profile pictures in the database

miona Today at 11:00 AM

Lets all welcome @piton01

User Today at 11:00 AM

Welcome to the server @piton01


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miona Today at 11:00 AM

miona • female avatar

User Today at 11:00 AM

Such a nice avatar for my profile


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Reward your most loyal supporters with our Vanty Roles system

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miona Today at 11:00 AM

@user included /vanity in their stauts and recieved @supporter role.

User Today at 11:00 AM

Thank you for the role!


Organize your tickets with our customizable Tickets system

Create ticket categories and customize the whole system to fit your needs. Add or remove ping and access roles to the tickets and make sure that your members are satisfied.

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miona Today at 11:00 AM

Choose category to create ticket